Custom inspections are used by top brokerages in the country for property inspections

On Average Our Management Companies
Save Hundreds of Dollars Every Month Using Inspect & Cloud
See How Inspect & Cloud’s Custom Property Inspection Software & App Works:
Overview of Features | Your First Inspection | Bulk Upload & Import | Email Inspection Reports | Custom Templates | |||
Auto-Text Comments | Productivity Reports | Free Training | Sample Property Inspection |
Save time and money, while easily having your office do your property inspections for you.
No more babysitting inspectors!
- Access inspections online from anywhere
- View real time inspection status and progress
- No more paperwork to file
- Professional reports with your company branding
- No contracts or cancellation fees
to save time and money. Now its your turn.
Traditional Inspections
- Managing employees— What did they do for the day? – Where have they been? What time was the property inspection finished? – How long did it take them? – Are they doing a good job with the inspections?
- Wondering what inspections are due next and what is past due?
- Wondering where these properties are at and the best order to do them in?
- If your employee calls in sick, do they still have the clipboard with inspections, and all the photos on the camera? Then they need to manage all the photos on your computer, deciding which property pics belong to what house, naming photos, etc.
- Take the time to type up the inspection into a document and make it look nice

Inspection Calendar
See property inspections completed, scheduled, & which inspector is completing.

It is a mobile app that works with your mobile devices so that you are able to do property inspections easier and faster. Using check boxes, texts, and photos Inspect & Cloud allows property managers to do property inspections easier and faster, with less room for errors.
No. Once a property inspection is complete you just hit the send button and it pushes the property inspection to your inspection property cloud. No information is actually stored on your phone.
You, as the master user, control your inspectors’ login access. Ex: Each property inspector uses their own smartphone to complete a property inspection, while you are able to monitor the work they complete including logs of time inspections were started and completed.
That’s the beauty of taking your property inspections digital. With pen and clipboards, companies have to wait until the inspector returns to the office. With Inspect & Cloud the office headquarters can have the property inspection immediately in real time after it’s completed.
It actually cost you more money to not use Inspect & Cloud. Extra paper, time, and resources are some of the biggest factors of expenses. Not only do companies function better but they can generally either cut staff or have their property inspectors focusing on other helpful tasks since they get more done in less time. Having to go back to the office to organize property inspections & photos wastes a lot of time.
You can begin using Inspect & Cloud and be set up within 15 minutes. Simply request to sign up and we will email you a user login. From there we will email you instructions as well as a report to assist you and your staff. We are certain that once you see how it will make your life easier in property management you will understand how quickly you can increase your profitability and focus on growing your business.
Currently, most of our brokers are having their employees use their own iPhones to do the inspections. Since your inspections are stored on your web login, you control their ability to login and what they can inspect.
In the rare case that an employee does not have a smartphone, many of our brokers will simply purchase a iPod touch for the office at $199 that has an HD camera. Inspect & Cloud works with the iPod touch so that you can use this tool to do their inspections vs most office digital cameras alone which are in the range of $300-400 dollars.
Companies find it more beneficial to use one device that conducts the entire property inspection and to speed everything up automating the property inspection process.
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