Inspect Cloud
is the most affordable inspection software for the amount of value your company will receive. We are the only inspection software that provides you with two applications for the price of one!
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- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 1 User
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Template Library Feature
- 360° Photos
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 2 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- 360° Photos
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 3 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 5 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos
ELITE $199
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 10 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos

(save $58/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 1 User
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Template Library Feature
- 360° Photos

(save $82/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 2 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- 360° Photos

(save $118/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 3 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos

(save $178/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 5 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos

(save $238/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 10 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos

(save $352/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 1 User
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Template Library Feature
- 360° Photos

(save $496/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 2 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- 360° Photos

(save $712/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 3 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos

(save $1072/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 5 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos

(save $1432/year)
- Unlimited Inspections
- Unlimited Devices
- 10 Users
- Free Phone Support
- Inspection Score Feature
- Maintenance Notifications
- Template Library Feature
- Video Clip Inspections
- 360° Photos
New! Rent Manager Sync
(no additional fees)
Expand New! Keyrenter
(special for franchisees)
Expand Upgraded! PROMAS Sync
(no additional fees)
(no additional fees)
Expand New! Keyrenter
(special for franchisees)
Expand Upgraded! PROMAS Sync
(no additional fees)
We have companies that manage 50,000+ units.
If you need a custom price package for 30+ users for commercial or other large scale
needs, contact one of our reps to inquire about an enterprise account.
Rent Manager Customer Pricing
- No additional API fees.
All integration cost are included. - If you have a different accounting software Inspect & Cloud works as a stand alone and also provides you with html and download links for all inspections that enable you to attach these to your accounting software providers property profiles.
- All pricing includes an additional application called Resident Inspection to enable your company to provide a tenant app to complete move-in inspections to replace Inventory & Condition forms.
Multi User
$71.10mo if paid annually
Multi User
$89mo if paid annually
$134mo if paid annually
$179mo if paid annually
PROMAS Customer Pricing
- No additional API fees.
All integration cost are included. - If you have a different accounting software Inspect & Cloud works as a stand alone and also provides you with html and download links for all inspections that enable you to attach these to your accounting software providers property profiles.
- All pricing includes an additional application called Resident Inspection to enable your company to provide a tenant app to complete move-in inspections to replace Inventory & Condition forms.
Multi User
$44mo if paid annually
$62mo if paid annually
Multi User
$89mo if paid annually
$134mo if paid annually
$179mo if paid annually
$34mo if paid for 2 years
$48mo if paid for 2 years
Multi User
$69mo if paid for 2 years
$104mo if paid for 2 years
$139mo if paid for 2 years
Elevate your company, conserve revenue, and streamline your inspection systems.
Company Owner, Master Inspector, and Sub Inspector levels for company management
Custom Templates – templates are completely customizable to include areas, room items, and even buttons
Drag’n Drop Custom Template builder – move all areas
Move In/Out Reports – instantly compares two reports side-by-side and highlights all discrepancies in yellow
Auto Text – ability to preset verbiage for comments makes for quick entry
Calendar and Mapping – view all pending and completed inspections on Calendar and Google map
Pdf Report Customization – ability to change font, report title name, and other highly customizable features
Notification Systems – system to communicate to tenants, owners, vendors, and staff for inspection scheduling and notifications to receive reports
Manual Email Send – send pre-formatted email with inspection links manually
Group Notifications – used for large teams of 25+ inspectors to set up sub groups for more specific notifications
Inspection History Tracking – tracks inspection history for each property profile
Dashboard Overview – Overview of data and tracking
Disclosure Box On Report – choose to display a disclosure message on inspection report
Disclosure Box On Mobile – choose to require tenant read disclosure message on inspection report before signing
Date and Time Stamp Photos – easily turn feature off/on so photos capture and retain original recorded date
Bulk Upload CSV – export data from existing database and import easily with the bulk upload button
Completed Inspection Report export xls – easily convert inspection reports into a xls
Inspection Score Report export xls – calculates annual averages
Easy Photo Download – download all photos for an inspection with organized labeled room areas
Template Library – pre-made templates for HOA’s, vacation and more
Inspection Score – quantify a report by giving room items point values which will then be converted into an overall percentage on the report
Duplicate Inspections – duplicate existing inspections as needed to create new inspection reports(i.e. Duplicate an exit inspection to create a move in inspection)
Multi-Floor Level Feature – select the number of levels needed(i.e. basement, second, and third floor) and system will automatically insert correct number of stairs on template
Drag-n-drop areas – move order of room areas as needed from the mobile or web
Report url branding – all reports contain your company name in the url for branding
Customize Inspector Title – change the name title from the Inspector to Property Evaluator, Assessor, or any custom title you create to display on your reports
Picture Viewer Window – click on your photos in your report to view them in a large full size view
Photo Format – now have the ability to choose to display your photos in their original format of portrait or landscape
NEW! 360° Photos – use a 360° camera or even your existing mobile device to take 360 photos for enhanced inspection reports.
NEW! One-Way Appfolio Sync – automatically keep your property and tenant data updated daily
NEW! E-Signatures – email remote signature request that are desktop and
mobile device friendly
mobile device friendly
NEW! Google Calendar – Sync your pending inspection schedule to your Google Calendar to help your inspectors stay even more organized.
Calendar Organization – click a day on the calendar to see your agenda
Organized Inspection List – inspection reports organized to help manage daily task
Search List feature – finds and filters large list using categories
Completed Reports View – email and view all past completed inspections from mobile devices
Assign Properties from mobile device – assign an inspection directly from the app
Drag’n Drop Areas – move order of room areas as needed
Alarm Code field – input alarm code and it will display on mobile device
Map Routing – click on map then property to display the route
Mobile Fast bug reporting – easily report an issue and receive support for quick resolution
Speed All Yes Button – gives the ability to only click buttons once for deficiencies making completing inspections fast
Add photo from camera roll – quickly add a photo to the report from your mobile devices camera roll
Voice Dictation – ability to speak into device for fast comment entry
Email Inspections from mobile – pre – formatted email with inspection links sent from device manually
Offline mode – complete inspections offline and send to web when able to connect
Add Custom Name Areas and Room Items – add room names & items from mobile quickly and easily
Delete or Rename Areas – swipe left easily delete or rename room areas from device
Add Advertising Photos – consolidate picture taking and easily add, organize, and store pictures for marketing
Speed Camera – allow for photos to be taken in rapid succession
Preview Photos in full size – click on photo to view in full size
Next Inspection Alerts, Maintenance Comments, and General Comment – Add/document any alerts, maintenance comments or general comments that require documentation
Company Branding – displays your company logo in app
Drawing on Photos – Draw arrows, circle items, use different shapes, or type text to reference specific issues on photos.
Tablet and iPad Versions – available on for Android and Apple mobile devices.
Maintenance Reports
reports for vendors that shows flagged
repairs, comments, and pictures
reports for vendors that shows flagged
repairs, comments, and pictures
Vendor Notifications
use the web to easily send vendors sections of the
inspection report that was flagged to them
use the web to easily send vendors sections of the
inspection report that was flagged to them
Maintenance Work Order Report
pdf that shows all flagged maintenance
items for work order management
pdf that shows all flagged maintenance
items for work order management
Customize Vendor Message
customize vendor notifications to abide to your
office policy for service work
customize vendor notifications to abide to your
office policy for service work
Video Reports
groups all videos for each area with your company branding. 30 second videos for each room area. Add as many areas as needed and the video report organizes all videos
groups all videos for each area with your company branding. 30 second videos for each room area. Add as many areas as needed and the video report organizes all videos
Videos Included for Maintenance Reports
vendors can see and hear items
in need of repair
vendors can see and hear items
in need of repair